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Kaskade surprend l'un de ses fans pour son anniversaire !

Par Eva

Surprise de taille pour Efrain Cuessy, l'un des fans de Kaskade qui a pu rencontrer son idole lors de son anniversaire.

En août dernier, Efrain Cuessy découvre qu'il est atteint d'un cancer. Suite à de nombreux allers-retours à l'hôpital, de nombreuses séances de chimiothérapie et un combat sans faille contre la maladie, il a enfin été diagnostiqué comme guéri deux semaines avant la fameuse soirée qui avait lieu le 31 janvier dernier.

L'association The Make-A-Wish Foundation lui avait attribué un voeu, pour lequel il avait émis le souhait de rencontrer son DJ star, Kaskade Kaskade. Un rêve d'enfant et celui de la détermination, puisque c'est ce dernier qui avait donné à l'adolescent la force de se battre et de guérir, mais également d'apprendre à mixer lorsqu'il avait 12 ans.

Voir cette publication sur Instagram

01-31-2019 I was born 18 years ago, and since the age of 12, I started listening to Ryan Raddon (a.k.a @kaskade ). I heard the song “Atmosphere” and immediately got hooked on his music. I kept listening and listening, wanting to see him more and more every time. Back in August, I was diagnosed with cancer and was given a Make-A-Wish. This was it. I wanted to see Kaskade Kaskade. I posted my story on the @kaskadekonnect FB page, and @jodicall reached out to me about it. She told me to save that wish and that Ryan would come. I didn't know how to react. My idol was coming to my house. How can you react to that?! I told my parents, and they laughed. I can't blame them, I couldn't believe it either. As I went through my rounds of chemo., Jodi kept in touch with me, letting me know that this was indeed going to happen. Time went on, and it all started piecing together. @mattmiera , @brycewilliamtennison , and @sammmetz got in on the project and started getting it all ready. Then it happened. I turned 18, and Kaskade Kaskade was coming to my birthday party. I was planning on doing a little set before he went on, but as I was 3 songs in, Ryan walks in. First off, I was fan girling. Second off, he went up to me and asked if I wanted to go a little B2B with him... hold up there. Did Kaskade Kaskade just ask me if I wanted to go B2B with him?! Of course I said yes, how could I not? The party went on. We danced our hearts out and had the time of our lives. It became a legendary night. One that I won't forget, and one that I hope Ryan and everyone in attendance doesn't. From the bottom of my heart, thank you @kaskade . Thank you @jodicall for setting it up. Thank you @sammmetz for being my second mom and best friend. Thank you @mattmiera for assisting with the planning and @brycewilliamtennison for helping with the sound (also s/o to Sean and his team). Everyone really made this night one I won't forget. Thank you for this. Llove, Efrain Cuessy

Une publication partagée par Efrain Cuessy (@cuessyphotos) le

L'équipe du célèbre dj a entendu l'appel de l'adolescent et a organisé la rencontre au sommet. Kaskade Kaskade n'a pas hésité une seule seconde à dire oui, il a même souhaité faire un B2B avec le jeune garçon de 18 ans. Une belle leçon de vie et de solidarité.

Un post Instagram a été publié par Efrain Cuessy et on se doute que l'émotion devait être à son comble. Tout comme le montre sa joie sur les photos, mais aussi sur la vidéo ci-dessous.

Eva Article rédigé par Eva
Artistes liés
Kaskade Kaskade